I am honored to announce I have just received a Super Commenter’s Award from Judi. I am so pleased that she has chosen me. I feel blessed to have met so many blog friends. Many of them already have this prestigious award on their blogs. It is a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful community. I would like to pass the award along to some other bloggers whose comments I always look forward to reading. I believe the rules are as follows:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog so that it can be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link of the blog that presented him/her the award.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Show these rules.
Blogging is a wonderful form of sharing and meeting new friends and can’t be complete without acknowledging that we’ve actually been there. It wouldn’t be as special without exchanging thoughts, comments and support. I would like to pass the award along to 5 Super Commenters who brighten my day with their comments:
Sandy, BJ, Angel, Beverly, and Claudie.
Visit these ladies and their lovely blogs, and don’t forget to leave them a comment.
The Cows on Parade in my dining room are all shouting out a big "Thank You" to Judi. Ya'll stop by and visit her wonderful blog, Cranberry Blossom, too.
Oh, you sweet Grandma, you! I am just tickled to death that you thought of ME for this awesome award. I thank you so, so much.
I am blogging about it tomorrow so be sure to stop by!
And, that china hutch full of cows just blows my mind...so unique and special.
My thanks again, sweet lady.
I am so honored! Thank you, Faith! Of course, you know, I'm going to have to award it right back to you. I am always so delighted when you stop by my spot and leave some lovely words!
Hi Grandma Faith
Wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the award.
If you go to my blog and click on" Awards" below Tickled Pink, I put your award on it's very own page.
Wanted to let you know that when I'm on my comments from you, I cannot click on your name and have it take me to your page??? Wondering if something is wrong?
Thanks again so much
Oh sometimes I think my head isn't on properly.
As you know I'm new to all of this and low and behold...I was trying to reach you through my
" I WEB" (where I post everything and cannot touch the comment default thing a ma jig) I should have been going to my actual web site...so now I click and you appear. Hooray hooray. Did that make sense?
I will leave you with my updated blogger url so you can give it a try when you get a chance.
just this: claudie.frid.com
Night night
Claudie...with an "e" at the end lol
Aren't you wonderful for thinking of me. Thank you so much.
I agree about commenting. It seems so important to at least take a minute to let someone know that you stopped in.
I love your blog, and always appreciate your comments, too.
Thank you so much for my award, Grandma Faith!!! I am so excited and honored to get it from you!
I am drooling over your whole collection of cows. I need what you have! I had to stop collecting mine because I didn't have a special place for them. I love your giant display. I bet when you have guests, they love looking at all your cows and hearing all your stories. :-)
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